Whether or not this acquisition ends up changing development timelines for Hypixel Studios remains to be seen, but it surely continues to build even more hype to the game's inevitable release.
Hytale is set to release at an undetermined date in 2021 on PC and Mac. To date, Ruined King and Conv/rgence are the first two projects that have been announced to be in development. Through this publishing label, Riot has started to work with outside developers to create games based on its League of Legends IP. Not only did Riot just release its multiplayer first-person shooter Valorant in closed beta last week, but it also just announced the Riot Forge publishing division a few months back. On Riot's part, this purchase continues to show that the company once formerly known only for League of Legends is really trying to expand its portfolio moving forward. Now with the backing of Riot, Hypixel Studios can surely make Hytale the game they've always dreamed of. To date, Hypixel is said to have boasted 18 million players, which is pretty staggering. Work on Hytale spun out from a multiplayer Minecraft server named Hypixel that first launched in 2013. This acquisition is surely a dream come true for Hypixel Studios, as the studio has some very humble beginnings. "As development kicks into high gear, we’ll benefit from Riot’s resources, expertise, and experience while maintaining the operational independence that has enabled our success so far." League of Legends developer Riot Games continues to expand its horizons with the acquisition of Hypixel Studios, which is behind upcoming sandbox RPG Hytale. "Since our first meetings with Riot leadership long before their initial investment, we’ve found in Riot a partner with a similar commitment to empowering players," explained Hypixel's CEO Aaron ‘Noxy’ Donaghey. We look forward to supporting Hypixel Studios’ journey through the development process, helping them grow, and learning from them as well." "Now, as they prepare to enter the next chapter, we’re thrilled to take our partnership to the next level through this acquisition.

"Over the last 18 months, we’ve been fortunate to advise Hypixel Studios as they build toward their vision for evolving a game genre that reaches an incredibly diverse range of players around the globe," said Dylan Jadeja, President of Riot Games. The game engine was rebuilt with future growth in mind on all platforms, pushing the already ambitious game to a 2023 release window. Since 2018, Riot has been one of the primary angel investors of Hypixel Studios and has now apparently decided to just purchase the company outright. Originally planned for release in 2021, Hytale gained the interest of Riot Games Inc and was acquired along with Hypixel Studios in 2020 changing the scope and direction of the project. The news of this acquisition was announced on Riot Games' website today.

Ahead of its planned launch in 2021, Hypixel Studios, the studio behind the highly-anticipated RPG Hytale, has today been acquired by League of Legends and Valorantdeveloper Riot Games.